Tuesday, June 14, 2005


This time, I don't even know
what to think.

Perhaps, just perhaps,
I have to acknowledge that it's His doing.

I'll have to stop struggling and cease this
tiresome adversarial standstill
with my pathetic broken heart.

My mind wrestles with the concept
of a resolution

The past


And that sweet duplicity of Defeat.

1 comment:

Samantha said...

A story...by Phil Bosmans from "Give Happiness a chance"

A'Happiness' ticket?

Life is like a lottery.
Many people think they have drawn the wrong lot. And what is still worse they are convinced that their neighbour, who goes to a few more parties, has the best ticket.

And yet, lottery tickets don't differ so very much. One person may allow himself a few more 'frills' than another, but that's all. The difference lies in the way of looking at things, and in the way of accepting them. And that depends on ourselves.

I have met a good many people, completely different to each other. I have listened to their deepest secrets. But never have i come across the person who had drawn 'the' ticket - the big beautiful, perfect, happiness ticket.

Somewhere, sometime, they had all had their troubles. The faithful call it a 'cross'. The non-believers say, "I am unlucky".

Among them were joyful people who kept their spirit up amidst sorrow and great tragedy. Others were forced down by strain and hardships; knocked down and made bitter and rebellious.

Often they both went through identical problems, and yet the result was so entirely different. yes, life is a lottery. We ourselves can really do so much about it!

Life today!
Love life today!
Be happy today!
Free your heart.
Don't let your delight in life and your happiness depend on a hundred and one trivialities.

We are completely dependent on each other for food, clothing, housing, transport, entertainment, for anything that can be bouguht with money. But we are even more dependent on each other for our happiness. And this can't be had for money. The things of the heart and love, these are free.
