Sunday, September 04, 2005

New Job

Rather slow news, am afraid! But who reads this crap, anyway?!

Made a really fast job-switch on the 25th Aug, leaping from MICE(Meetings, Incentives, Conventions & Exhibitions, oh what a relief to say tata to all that long-winded hogwash!!!) into Publishing.

(It feels like a right move back towards the creative industries, although still a different environment from advertising. A constructive, positive, motivating career move for yours truly. Hopefully!!!)

Must say I pulled a really speedy hat-trick for this whole episode; making up my mind to quit the current job, job-hunting, going for interviews without being obvious about it, succeeding, getting the offer, agreeing, resigning (it was a shocker to one of my bosses - had to suffer his shocked shriek over the phone), and doing handover...all in a matter of one month or so.

...And in the midst of all this, organising the last - probably the most memorable - networking event I would do for SACEOS... Schmoozing/grovelling with the potential and new members (to recruit them, of course - oh how dedicated I was to the recuitment cause for an utterly shitty association - until my last day I was still worrying about the membership stuff)... Juggling a social life, friends, family...
And trying - eventually failing, though it was not due to my being preoccupied with work or my bad time-management (but then, it just isn't so simple, is it? I'm suggesting something rather unfair) - to maintain a relationship with someone who was almost, but never completely, there for me.

Can't blame him, really. To be objective, circumstances broke us, and perhaps we were just not meant to be. There were so many issues that still remain unresolved, but I have to move on. I still wonder about how self-centredness/a lack of selflessness marked it all, or could have made it better or worse. So many tough questions that may never find answers. Questions about respect, trust, intimacy, honesty, religion, family-issues, communication, life perspectives, self-awareness, understanding each other...I probably made some mistakes I've made before and some new ones too, some of which I regret, others not at all. We were equal and yet disparate, similar and yet different; our being together was right and yet wrong, good and also bad... it also ended, though amicably, without real closure. (My fault, that.) Yet despite the worry/pain/sorrow/misery and all that post-breakup shit, despite it being so short-lived, he was worth it, somehow. Yet I've never been able to figure out how exactly he was worth it...still can't. *shrug* Now you can all accuse me of thinking too much, yes. I cannot escape this rather pathetic mental activity, though. I'm a brooder. (Doesn't that sound like a bird-like thing to do? ;p)

Thus, I departed without ceremony (only a rather uncomfortable, even unpleasant Pizza-Hut Delivery farewell lunch...the triple-cheese stuffed crust pizza was awesome, though! Highly recommended for cheese-lovers.) from (That damn lengthy organisation name shalt plague me no more!!! Now they can self-destruct and rot for all I care. Suckers. In every sense of the word! *grimace*) and made my entrance into (Just by comparing the 2 websites, you can see the difference in the identity and culture in these 2 organisations. Says a lot.)

After more than one week, all I can say is: "Yeah!"
A much better place to work, kinder bosses, fun-loving feels almost surreal to get this lucky. It's quite close to a dream job in my book, but then again my standards are pretty off-the-mark from what most people may label as "benchmarks for a dream job" anyway.

I have to thank God for this, I know. :D

In other news: I'm doing a series of collaborative artwork with Shaun Ee/Doodle of Garden Silly - - fame to print on t-shirts for More updates soon!

How are you doing, though? Let me know.


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